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    Drugs Are Like That (1969)

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    Drugs Are Like That
    […] Though the highs and lows of human experience are all here, it's often the gimcrack set design and fashion chops in these vintage clunkers that really wow – the pot-holder sweater vests, ponytails decorated with yarn, hippies with crumb-catching moustaches, banana-seat bikes and a hard rain of Quaaludes and amphetamines to illustrate the dangers of drug addiction. It is hard to believe anyone would buy the goofball cause-and-effect of that pill-popper's weather pattern in \"Drugs Are Like That\". Co-produced by the Miami Junior League and narrated by Anita Bryant in this cheery little hand-slapper, a kid stealing cookies from a cookie jar is implied to be headed down a bad road to Bowery bum rolls and LSD parties. (from: http://clatl.com/atlanta/av-geeks-greatest-hits-lessons-learned/Content?oid=1268313)

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    • Paul Nagel Jr.
    • ~ 16 min.
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    IMDb Wertung:
    3.3 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Produzent: Jack Moser
    Schauspieler: Anita Bryant 
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